BURKMANN 25% CAPRINE BALANCER-RUM is intended for mixing with soybean hulls to make a complete feed for growing goats. Mix 660 pounds of BURKMANN 25% CAPRINE BALANCER-RUM with 1340 pounds of soybean hulls to make a ton of complete feed. On a small batch basis this is the equivalent of mixing ½ pound of BURKMANN 25% CAPRINE BALANCER-RUM with 1.0 pound of soybean hulls. The final feed mixture will contain 20 grams/ton of Rumensin and should be fed to growing goats as the sole grain ration. For hand feeding, insure that adequate trough space is provided for all goats to eat at once. Provide BURKMANN GOAT MINERAL and clean, fresh water free choice at all times.
CAUTION: Do not allow horses or other equines access to feeds containing Monensin. Ingestion of Monensin by horses has been fatal. Feeding undiluted or mixing errors resulting in high concentrations of Monensin has been fatal in cattle and could be fatal in goats. Monensin medicated feed is intended for use in cattle or in goats. Consumption by unapproved species may result in toxic reaction. Do not feed to lactating goats.